A Few Reviews...
Powerful! Moving! A compelling journey reminding us that the wisdom of the animal kingdom offers a window to our own inner mysteries. Through personal experience and intimate case histories, Dawn Brunke has masterfully crafted a 'must read' for skeptics, and animal lovers, alike.
author of Awakening to Zero Point and The Isaiah Effect​
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Dawn answers major questions raised by the mind-stretching implications of animal intelligence and telepathic communion with all beings with both the heart of an excited student who has recovered a long lost dream and the mind of a detective tentatively and skeptically uncovering and dissecting a great mystery.
author of Animal Talk and When Animals Speak
The oneness of all life is vibrantly highlighted in this beautiful book. It will stimulate many to open up to and remember a universal language that is understood by all creatures.
author of Science, Soul, and the
Spirit of Nature and Dialogue with Nature
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Animal Voices, Animal Guides is a wonderful resource for anyone interested in communicating with animals and other aspects of nature in the spirit world. In this book, Dawn expresses a wide range of thoughtful, inspirational, and genuinely empowering teachings and stories.
~ NICKI SCULLY, author of Power Animal Meditations, and Alchemical Healing
“Communicating with animal companions and accepting them as guides along the shapeshifting trail is an honored tradition among indigenous people around the world. Dawn Brunke brings this powerful transformational process into our culture and then takes it to new levels. An uplifting, powerful, inspirational book!”
author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man & The World is As You Dream It
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This insightful, wise and visionary book boldly leaps over established boundaries and eloquently moves beyond ordinary definitions. It contains a rich tapestry of practical advice for those of us—and there are more of us all the time—who yearn to deepen our knowing that the animal kingdom is a place of ardent tutors and mentors who can offer us keys to the greater human journeys.
~ SIMON BUXTON, author of
The Shamanic Way of the Bee
Animal Teachings is a reference book--for people who love animals and story and metaphor and elegant, educated intelligence. Animal Teachings is a tool. You can read it from cover to cover or you can meditate on the spectacular images of animals that manage to evoke more of who they are and their message to humans than literal renderings would.
The picture of Seal reminds me of an ancestor I never met. Of someone that I long to meet. He makes me sad and glad all at the same time. So does all great art. So does this book.
~ BETSY ROBINSON, editor and author of The Last Will & Testament
of Zelda McFigg
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A delight to both the intuitive and rational mind! Reading this book just might be the closest thing to experiencing actual animal communication encounters, for there is a similar at-oneness possible in feeling the gestalt of each animal. A marvelous gift for animal lovers and the person 'who has everything,' for chances are good they don't have anything like Animal Teachings. Highly recommended!
~ CYNTHIA SUE LARSON, author of Reality Shifts, editor of Reality Shifter News.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Gorgeous, Insightful Deck,
September 21, 2013
This tarot deck is amazing. The artwork is truly spectacular... The animals are cute, but rendered with a divine beauty that gives them the respect they deserve.
The book included with the deck is the BEST I have ever seen packaged with a tarot deck. It contains a page devoted to each card - with a full color picture of the card, along with the traditional tarot associations, a paragraph about the animal on the card and why it was chosen, a paragraph about the card's meaning and what message it's giving to you, and some key phrases that cut to the chase and give you the cards direct message...
As for the insightfulness of the cards, this is largely a personal and subjective matter. However, I will say that I made an immediate connection with this deck and it immediately started giving me profoundly personal and intense readings. My connection to this deck has been much deeper and more easily made than it is with nearly any other deck I own.
Highly recommended.
Dreaming with Polar Bears is beautiful, powerful and enchanting and invites us to grow our experience of the dreaming universe. We learn that as we become conscious dreamers, we are never confined to one form or one world. What better mentor than a polar bear who is dreaming you?
author of Conscious Dreaming,
Dreaming the Soul Back Home, and Here, Everything is Dreaming
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In this remarkable book, Dawn Brunke reminds us that we exist within an interconnected Oneness of depth, beauty and awareness — if we only wake up, look around and listen. Lucid dreaming helps us experience these deeper connections in a life altering way, and recognize the living awareness of other species, our shared planet and the vast universe. Dreaming with Polar Bears encourages us all to wake up, remember and understand this ancient knowledge.
author of Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self