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To order from Amazon in the US,
visit my Author Page or use the following links:
Animal Voices (also available as an e-book)
Animal Voices, Animal Guides (also available as an e-book)
Dreaming with Polar Bears (also available as an e-book)
Shadow Animals (as e-book)

To order from Barnes & Noble in the US,
visit my Author Page or use the following links:
(all are in paperback form unless noted)
Animal Voices, Animal Guides (as Nook ebook)
Shapeshifting with Our Animal Companions (as Nook ebook)
Animal Teachings (as Nook ebook)
The Key to Spirit Animals (as Nook ebook) Or as The Spirit Animal Directory (paperback, different title, same book!)

Translations in French, German and Spanish are available!
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Some titles also available as ebooks, here at Barnes & Noble:
Ich schulpfe in deine Haut (Shapeshifting)
Perles de sagesse du peuple animal (Animal Voices)
If you would like an autographed copy of a book for yourself or as a gift,