INTRODUCTION: What are Spirit Animals?
A short introduction to spirit animals and a look at the four main types we’ll be working with: Life Guides; Journeying Companions; Messengers; and Shadow Guides. What's the aim of this book? To meet and work with Animal Spirit guides in more conscious ways.
Below are the chapters with short summaries. Exercises are denoted with an *asterisk.
CHAPTER ONE: The Key to Inner World Exploration
To begin any successful inner journey, we must let go of outer distractions and expectations. As if entering a dark cave, we leave the known for what is unknown. Later we emerge from the cave and come back to the world to make sense of our experience. How can we travel between worlds and access the wisdom of our deep self with the help of animal guides? Learning to be proficient as both a sensitive explorer and sharp-eyed interpreter is key. Here are a few ways to begin:
Meditation: One Means to Travel Deep
* Short guided meditation using breath to deepen and explore inner world
Journaling: A Way to Link Inner & Outer Worlds
* Create a Meditation Journal
Meeting Your Animal Guide
* Guided imagery meditation to meet one’s lifelong animal guide
* Journaling exercise on the meditation
Meeting Spirit Animals in Your Dreamworld
* Invoke A Dream Meeting
CHAPTER TWO: The Key to Relationship and Communication
Establishing Relationship with the Natural World ~ We begin with an introduction to animal messengers, how we might better notice such animals, and how to deepen connection with the natural world so as to be more attentive.
* Sitting in Nature Meditation
* Sensing from an Animal’s Point of View
* Walking Meditation
Communicating with Animals ~ What does telepathic communication with animals and nature entail? Here we explore the basics of how it works, how you can begin to remember this Universal Language, and how to tap into communication with all beings.
* A Talk with Your Spirit Animal (Meditation)
Building Bridges ~ Practical ways to link inner and outer worlds while engaging a spirit animal’s teaching.
* Create an Altar
* Carry a Totem
* Use of Symbolic Accessories
* Painting, Drawing, Singing, Dancing
* Oracle Cards
Noticing Everything ~ How to become more aware — both in sensing symbolic events in the outer world as well as recognizing messages and clues from the inner world. And, how to link them together!
* The Power of Synchronicity
* Invoking Animal Guidance
CHAPTER THREE: The Key to Clear Interpretation
How to Know if It’s Real ~ What’s projection and what is true? It’s good to be skeptical and empower yourself with proof. Learn to strengthen your intuition and hone your interpretive abilities in order to know what is real.
* Get confirmation on your intuitive feelings
Shadow Animals ~ How to identify our projections, especially in relation to the animals that we don’t care for (snakes, rats, or what you fear), and how to find the ‘gold’ of such teachings through deeper connection.
* Animals I Love to Hate (Journaling)
* Active Meditation with a Shadow Animal
Consider Everything ~ This section covers the many different things to consider as we try to make sense of and interpret dreams, messages from meditations, and dreamlike encounters in the outer world. These include: noting our feelings and first impressions; taking inventory of what we already know about the animal; doing further research via Internet, books and videos; playing with patterns and evolution of themes, etc.
* Paying Attention to Color
* Paying Attention to Numbers
* Where is Your Animal & What Is it Doing?
* Using Journal Clues to find Themes and Patterns
* Noting how animal relationships may evolve in our dreams
Sample Interpretation ~ A short story of an animal encounter with a sample interpretation, drawing upon many of the points listed above.
Your Dog is Not My Dog ~ Each animal species has a variety of teachings. How do I know what Dog is telling me? And, why is your Dog message different than mine? The focus here is on engaging both intuitive dreamer and inner detective to discern deeper meaning and hone in on what is most significant to our personal situation.
CHAPTER FOUR: The Key to Spirit Animals & Their Teachings
Large Mammals
KEYS: Physical strength, Perseverance, Attuned to Earth's Heartbeat
Bear (Black/Brown) ~ Panda Bear ~ Polar Bear
Bison/Buffalo ~ Camel ~ Cow
Deer ~ Elephant ~ Giraffe ~ Gorilla
Horse ~ Kangaroo ~ Llama ~ Lion
Moose ~ Panther ~ Reindeer/ Caribou
Rhinoceros ~ Tiger ~ Wolf ~ Zebra
Small Mammals
KEYS: Attention to Detail, Know How to Be Grounded; Faithful and Discerning
Bat ~ Beaver ~ Cat
Coyote ~ Dog ~ Fox
Goat ~ Monkey ~ Mouse
Pig ~ Porcupine ~ Prairie Dog
Ram ~ Rabbit ~ Raccoon
Skunk ~ Squirrel ~ Wolverine
Keys: Flight, Larger Perspectives, Higher Knowledge, Connection to Spirit
Blue Jay ~ Chicken ~ Dove ~ Eagle
Flamingo ~ Goose ~ Gull ~ Hawk
Hummingbird ~ Ostrich ~ Owl
Parrot ~ Peacock ~ Pelican ~Penguin
Raven/Crow ~ Robin ~ Stork
Swan ~ Vulture ~ Woodpecker
Insects & Arachnids
Keys: Progress, Adaptation, Self-Reliance, Community
Ant ~ Bee ~ Beetle ~ Butterfly
Dragonfly ~ Firefly ~Grasshopper ~ Ladybug
Mantis ~ Mosquito ~ Moth
Scorpion ~ Spider
Reptiles & Water Animals
Keys: Exploration of Deep Emotions, Expression of True Self, Finding Contentment
Alligator (Crocodile, Caiman) ~ Frog/Toad
Crab ~ Dolphin ~ Goldfish/Koi
Hippo ~ Jellyfish ~ Lizard
Manatee ~ Octopus ~ Otter
Salmon ~ Sea Horse ~ Seal
Shark ~ Snail ~ Snake ~ Starfish
Land Turtle/Tortoise ~ Sea Turtle ~ Whale
CHAPTER FIVE: The Key to Integration: Working with Your Spirit Animals
Deepening Relationship ~ Now that you have identified some of your spirit animals and know more about them, how do you work with them in more conscious ways?
* Active Journaling (questions & answers) with an Animal
* Shapeshifting: Sharing Consciousness with a Spirit Animal
Integrating Animal Guidance in Everyday Life ~ A short summary of the various techniques thus explored, with additional tips for more in-depth exploration.
Sample Story: A Practical Guide ~ A sample story of an animal meeting with specific examples of how to discern the deeper meaning of that animal’s teachings in that particular situation, and how to apply the teaching in practical ways to one’s everyday life.
The Give & Take of Partnership ~ Ways to better listen, trust and share with one’s animal guides. Also, something to consider: What I can give back to animals in thanks for their help? A short exploration of ways to honor our personal animal teachers as well as the animal world at large.
Change Yourself, Change the World ~ Become an ambassador of awareness by sharing your experiences. In doing so, you may inspire others to deepen in connection and appreciation with animals, nature, self and spirit. By changing ourselves, we also change the world.